Saturday, April 21, 2007

Project Management Framework

What is a project - temporary with a beginning and an end, creates a unique result and is progressively elaborated.

PMI breaks PM into
  • Professional and Social Responsibility
  • Knowledge areas - Integration, scope, time, cost, quality, HR, risk and procurement
  • Process groups - Initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing

A program is a group of project. A PMO centralizes the management of projects.

The project objectives are contained in the preliminary scope statement and the scope statement and the project is considered complete only when these objectives are met.

Management by objectives (MBO) - organization is managed by unambiguous and realistic objective and works only if management supports it.

The constraints on a project are CTSQRC - cost, time, scope, quality, risk, cost.

Stakeholder management involves identifying all, determining all requirements, determining their expectations, communication and managing stakeholder influence.

The organizational structure is classified into:
  • Functional - most common
  • Projectized - most power with PM, no home
  • Matrix - two bosses, strong matrix - more power to PM, weak matrix - less power with matrix, tight matrix - co located. Weak matrix - project expeditor, manages communication, no decisions, project coordinator - some authority, make decisions, report to higher manager.

Life cycle - two life cycles, one process
  • Product life cycle - new projects can be formed within
  • Project life cycle - a methodology
  • Project management process - all the process groups

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